Field of Science Blogs...

  • The *Madrid Codices I and II* are two collections of *Leonardo da Vinci*'s manuscripts found in a collection in the *National Library of Madrid* at the end...
    3 weeks ago from Doc Madhattan
  • It seems that some scientists are still claiming they can find bits of dinosaur meat clinging to the fossilized bones of ancient dinosaurs. Don’t sharpen...
    4 weeks ago from Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience
  • Werner Heisenberg was a good man who deluded himself into thinking he was working for a good cause. That cause was not working for the Nazis but maintain...
    5 weeks ago from The Curious Wavefunction
  • The Art in the Random Art happens in our minds. Creation only requires that we recognize it. Random patterns take shape, and we see an image. The specta...
    3 months ago from Pleiotropy
  • I've been teaching a course for the last 15+ years. I love this course because I conceived it and brought it to fruition. Since its inception, it has bee...
    4 months ago from Angry by Choice
  • Not too many plants blossom in the middle of summer. But the bottle brush buckeye is reliable shade tolerating plant. Not only that but once establish...
    1 year ago from The Phytophactor
  • I'm moving house. Over the past few years, Blogger has become somewhat less user-friendly behind the scenes. Nothing major, and certainly nothing I'm going...
    2 years ago from Catalogue of Organisms
  • I'm moving house. Over the past few years, Blogger has become somewhat less user-friendly behind the scenes. Nothing major, and certainly nothing I'm going...
    2 years ago from Variety of Life
  • This week, a conversation flared up on Twitter on whether mathematics can carry human biases, and what such a possibility could even mean. The spark was...
    4 years ago from PLEKTIX
  • *"It was nothing of this earth, but a piece of the great outside; and as such dowered with outside properties and obedient to outside laws." * *"The Colou...
    4 years ago from History of Geology
  • I've been trying to think carefully about what our world will be like once the current pandemic is over. Most people are rightly focused on the current si...
    4 years ago from RRResearch
  • It the the custom in many Christian denominations to light a Pascal fire at their Easter rites. For Catholics, this is done after sunset on Saturday night...
    5 years ago from The Culture of Chemistry
  • *Wang, W., Li, C., Scheyer, T. M., and Zhao, L. 2019. A new species of Cyamodus (Placodontia, Sauropterygia) from the early Late Triassic of south-west C...
    5 years ago from Chinleana
  • Are you #Herbarium Staff? We recently began a multi-year research study examining how bryophyte specimens are stored and organized at scientific institutio...
    7 years ago from Moss Plants and More
    8 years ago from Games with Words
  • There arose a need for a new tree for a parasitology meeting, so after almost five years, I finally updated the tree of eukaryotes. There are still things ...
    9 years ago from Skeptic Wonder
  • Hi guys, I've set-up a new science/education blog called* Science Bitez *so I'll be blogging from there from now on! Here's my first Science Bitez post: On ...
    9 years ago from The View from a Microbiologist
  • Moving house again… Well almost, moving addresses anyway. It wasn’t that long ago I moved from Disease of the Week to here at Disease Prone to take advanta...
    13 years ago from Disease Prone